Author : admin

LUMS Math Circle holds a Session at IMCB F-10/4 on November 29, 2024

Inline with the vision of the Principal, Prof. Athar ul Islam, and in collaboration with STEAM Pakistan and the college management, LUMS Math Circle held its first ever session at IMCB F-10/4 on Friday, November 29, 2024. The esteemed guest speaker, Prof. Dr Naqeeb ur Rehman shared an interesting story of “Algebra: Classical to Modern” and inspired the students of HSSC to see algebra as immensely useful and practical tool and not just a bunch of formulas with meaningless drills. The students eagerly participated in the activities and expressed gratitude over the provision of such a great learning opportunity. More about LUMS Math Circles could be learnt from

IMCB F-10/4 Shines at “Seekho Sikhao Pakistan” Festival

IMCB F-10/4 proudly participated in the “Seekho Sikhao Pakistan” Festival held at Islamabad College for Boys, G-6/3, from November 15 to 17. Our stall was a resounding success, thanks to the hard work and dedication of our team.

Dr. Fida ul Mustafa and Prof. Zubair’s fascinating activities related to chemistry captivated hundreds of visitors, making our stall a highlight of the event.

Hundreds of students, accompanied by their teachers, actively participated, showcasing creativity, teamwork, and enthusiasm.

Parent Teacher Meeting conducted at the start of the Academic Session 2024-2025

Islamabad (Report: Dr. Sher Ali) Parent Teacher Meetings have been organized at the start of the academic session 2024-25 for the general information of parents. The 1st meeting was conducted on 23rd August, 2024 for the combinations of Humanities, and General Science.

The second meeting was organized on 26th August, 2024 for the combinations of Pre-Medical, Pre-Engineering and ICS.

Dr. Sher Ali, Chairman QEC, moderated the meetings. On both days, Prof. Muhammad Rashid, Vice Principal (Academics) presented a detailed, informative and comprehensive presentation about the college, faculty members, transport facility, college rules & regulations, different programs of intermediate level, undergraduate programs such as ADP/BS English and Urdu and short courses offered in the evening. He also guided the parents about discipline and importance of their children education and professional career.

Prof. Muhammad Ismail explained the college Time Table and schedule of monthly tests, SEND UP and Pre Board Exams.

At the end, Prof. Athar Ul Islam, Principal, thanked all respected parents and appreciated their interest in the PTM and studies of their children. He persuaded the parents to participate in all academic and administrative matters of the college such as College Management Committee, CMC. After presentation, the parents had detailed meetings with the concerned faculty members in the college staff room and discussed the academic matters of their children.

Registration for E-Rozgaar Centre is Open!

The Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training is thrilled to announce that registration is now open for the Software Technology Parks/e-Rozgaar Centers!

In collaboration with the Ministry of IT, we’ve developed these cutting-edge centers to offer young entrepreneurs and freelancers safe, comfortable, and free co-working spaces. This is your chance to be part of a dynamic community of passionate innovators and bring the vision of a Digital Pakistan to life.

Don’t miss out—secure your spot now!

Register Now:

Joint IT Internships Program to enhance IT students employability

Islamabad, August 7, 2024 – The Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training (M/o FE&PT) and the Capital Development Authority (CDA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Joint IT Internships Program to enhance IT student employability and strengthen industry-academia linkage. The MoU, signed between Deputy Secretary (FE), M/o FE&PT and Member (IT), CDA in the presence of the Mr. Mohyuddin Ahmad Wani, Secretary M/o FE&PT, establishes a 24-month partnership.
Under this agreement, CDA will provide 10 paid internships for a duration of six months for two years. This internship program will be offered to the students enrolled in Hi-Impact IT Labs established in 16 Degree Colleges under M/o FE&PT. Each six-month internship offers a monthly stipend of PKR 40,000/-. Upon completion, interns will receive certificates from CDA.
The Secretary, M/o FE&PT highlighted the MoU’s role in preparing students for the job market, he also emphasized its contribution to the IT sector’s growth in Pakistan.

In-House Continuous Professional Workshop for the Teaching Staff started on July 24, 2024

Islamabad (Report: Dr. Sher Ali) Quality Enhancement Cell, QEC, Islamabad Model College for Boys, F-10/4, Islamabad organized In-House Continuous Professional Workshop for the teaching staff. The workshop will continue from 24th to 31st July, 2024. The details of the workshop is as under:

S.No.Theme/TopicResource PersonDate
121st Century  Teaching MethodologiesMr. Waseem Ahmed, Lecturer in Education24.7.2024 10 AM -12PM
2Effective Lesson PlanningMr. Waseem Ahmed, Lecturer in Education25.7.2024 10 AM -12PM
3Formative Assessment TechniquesMr. Waseem Ahmed, Lecturer in Education26.7.2024 10 AM -12PM
4Use of IT  in Classroom TeachingProf. Muhammad Rashid Vice Principal, Academics29.7.2024 10 AM -12PM
5Subject Content KnowledgeProf. Muhammad Rashid &  All Subjects Teachers30.7.2024 10 AM -12PM
6Closing SessionProf. Athar Ul Islam31.7.2024 10 AM -12PM
CPD Schedule

                  In inaugural session, on 24th July, Dr. Sher Ali, Chairman QEC, welcomed all faculty members and college administration. The session was started with the recitation of Holy Quran by Prof. Dr. Muzaffar Hussain.

Prof. Muhammad Rashid, Vice Principal Academics, presented objectives of the workshop. He appreciated the efforts of QEC and Resource Person, Prof. Waseem Ahmed Qureshi. He also highlighted the importance of continuous professional development.

Prof. Waseem Ahmed Qureshi gave detailed presentation on the topic of “21st Century Teaching Methodologies”. He integrated all teaching methodologies with everyday life and indigenous environment.

Prof. Athar Ul Islam, Principal, during his vote of thanks, appreciated QEC and warmly welcomed all faculty members. He said that for effective teaching, continuous professional development is very important. In modern times, teaching paradigm has shifted to student centered approach. Class Room management and use of IT Skills are also necessary and useful for better teaching outcomes. Dr. Sher Ali, Chairman QEC, once again thanked all respected colleagues.

Admissions open for FA / FSc from July 15, 2024

Admissions in Grade XI are open for the session 2024-2025 from Monday, July 15, 2024 in the following programmes.

  1. ICS
  2. Pre-Engineering
  3. Pre-Medical
  4. I-Com
  5. General Science
  6. Humanities

The admission forms can be obtained from the college during the college hours from Monday, July 15, 2024. Alternatively, you may also download the form by clicking the Download button below.

Conclusion of Summer Fiesta 2024 Celebrated

Islamabad, July 10, 2024 – The Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training (MOFEPT) today celebrated the conclusion of the Summer Fiesta 2024, a two-week-long summer camp initiative aimed at providing a comprehensive experience to students across Islamabad.

The Summer Fiesta, conducted in collaboration with the Federal Directorate of Education (FDE), engaged over 5,000 students from grades 1-12 in a variety of learning activities. The free camp, supported by 60 partner organizations, featured 60 guest speakers and utilized 20 different venues. Heads of institutions, focal persons, and teachers played a crucial role in the success of this initiative.

List of the successful Candidates is Declared. Class Starts on Monday, June 10, 2024.

Please find below the list of the candidates who have qualified in the First Batch of High Impact IT Training Courses: Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Blockchain Development. The class is scheduled to start on Monday, June 10, 2024. The Reporting Time for the Orientation Class is 2:00 PM.

Note: Those who have Provisionally Qualified for the course are requested to bring the Original Documents on June 10.

پروفیسر محمد بابر خان کے اعزاز میں پروقار الوداعی تقریب

مورخہ 30 مئی2024 بروز جمعرات اسلام آباد ماڈل کالج برائے طلباء میں صدر شعبہ اردو اور مایہ ناز استاد جناب محمد بابر خان کی ریٹائرمنٹ کے موقع پر ایک شاندار تقریب اور عشائیے کا اہتمام کیا گیا. تقریب میں کالج کے سابقہ پرنسپل جناب جاوید محسن ملک، ڈاکٹر اقبال آفاقی صاحب کے علاوہ ریٹائرڈ اور حاضر سروس اساتزہ کی کثیر تعداد نے شرکت کی. پروفیسر مظفر حسین، ڈاکتر شیر علی، پروفیسر عتیق الرحمن، پروفیسر محمد راشد، پروفیسر سلیم الرسول نے پروفیسر بابر خان کی تعلیمی خدمات کو خراج تحسین پیش کیا. پروفیسر جاوید محسن ملک، اور ڈاکٹر اقبال آفاقی صاحب نے جناب بابر خان صاحب کی زندگی کے مختلف پہلوؤں پر روشنی ڈالی. آخر میں پروفیسر بابر خان نے اپنی 32 سالہ پیشہ ورانہ زندگی کے بارے میں اظہار خیال کیا اور مہمانوں اور دیگر شرکاء کا شکریہ ادا کیا. تقریب کے اختتام پر کالج کے پرنسپل پروفیسر اطہر الاسلام نے بھی تمام شرکاء کا شکریہ ادا کیا اور پروفیسر بابر خان کی خدمات کو خراج پیش کیا. سٹاف سیکرٹری پروفیسر آفتاب حیات نے تقریب کے اختتام کا اعلان کرتے ہوئے مہمانان اور شرکاء محفل کو مدعو کیا کہ وہ اپنے تحائف جناب بابر خان کو پیش کریں. اس کے بعد تمام شرکاء نے عشائیے میں شرکت کی.

Interview Rescheduled on Wednesday, May 29, 2024

As May 28, 2024 is declared a Public Holiday, the Interview has been resheduled to Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

The following students are shortlisted for the Interview and an email has been sent to them.

Interview Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2024

Reporting Time: 9:30 am

Note: Candidates must bring their Original Documents to prove their identity and eligibility (CNIC, University Card, Graduate Degree in relevant field or Transcripts of 4 Semesters in case still enrolled in any Computer related Program)

NAVTTC seeks applications for admission in 2nd round of High Impact IT Trainings

National Vocational and Technical Training Commision (NAVTTC) in collaboration with 16 colleges of Federal Directorate of Education (FDE), Islamabad is offering Second Round of High-Impat IT Training Course in “Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Blockchain Development”.

This 6 Months Course in “Integrated Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Blockchain Development” will be offered free of cost to successful candidates. Students with Bachelor’s Degree in relevant field like Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Technology, Cyber Security, Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering, or Technology are eligible to apply. Applicants must be between 18 to 40 years old.

Last date to apply is June 10, 2024.

The eligible cadidates will appear in the Test and Interview. The successful candidates will be offered on-campus classes (Evening) at 16 Colleges in Islamabad including IMCB, F-10/4. For more information and updates, please visit the official website of IMCB, F-10/4, Islamabad.

You can register online here.

NUML declares result of Written Test for High Impact IT Training Courses

National University of Modern Languages has declared the result of Written Test for NAVTTC High Impact IT Training Courses conducted on Monday, May 20, 2024. The successful candidates will appear in the interview that is scheduled on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. If you scored 50% or more, you are shortlisted for the interview. For interview you must bring your Original Documents that prove your identity and educational eligibility.

Seating Plan for Admission Test

All registered candidates of High Impact Training Courses can view the Seating Plan to save time at the Test Centre. However, You will only be allowed to sit in the alloted room after your testimonials have been scrutinized. Please don’t forget to bring your CNIC and the evidence of your qualification to prove your eligibility.

Imortant Notice: Admit Cards Issued to Candidates for High Impact IT Training Courses.

Dear Cadidates,

If you are an applicant for High Impact IT Training in Artificial Intelligence, Data Sciences, Block Chain Development, and you selected IMCB F-10/4 as your first preference, you are advised to appear in a written test at IMCB F-10/4, Islamabad. In this regard, customized emails have already been sent at the addresses you have provided.

 Important Note: Reporting time is 2:00 pm.

Eligibility Criteria: Bachelor Degree Holders in a relevant field like Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Technology, Cyber Security, Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering, or Technology. Students enrolled in 5th semester or above are also eligible.

Note: Candidates with only FSC / A-level / 12 years of education, are not eligible.

Training ProgramTest DayTest DateTest TimeTest Center
Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Block Chain DevelopmentMonday20-05-20243:00 pmIMCB, F-10/4, Islamabad   Location: M2R4+2QV


1.You will not be allowed to appear in the test if you fail to produce the following documents/information to the supervisory staff before the start of test. Original CNICDownloaded copy (print form) of the Admit Card enclosed in this email.Attested copies of Bachelor/Master’s Degree.Students enrolled in BS program must bring Transcript of their last semester.
2.Reach Examination center 1 Hour Before the test time, i.e. 2 PM.
3.No candidate will be admitted to the examination hall after start of the paper.
4.You should bring your stationery items to be used in the test.
5.Mobile phones/likewise Devices, books, purses and valuables are strictly prohibited in the examination hall.

Admission Test for High-Impact IT Training Courses is scheduled on Monday, May 20, 2024

Cadidates who have registered on NAVTTC Portal in High-Impact IT Training Courses and have chosen NUML – IMCB F-10/4 for their Program are informed that their written admission test is on May 20, 2024 at IMCB F-10/4. For syllabus and other details please visit NUML, NAVTTC website. Emails have been sent to the candidates alongwith Admit Cards. If you have not yet received the email, please check your junk folder. Our staff will also call the candidates.

“Fresh Faces, New Horizons: Addition of Esteemed Professors to Our College!”

We are delighted to share the wonderful news of welcoming five new talented lecturers to our college faculty across diverse subjects of English, Urdu, Mathematics, Physics and Geography. These appointments come as a result of a rigorous selection process conducted by the Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC), ensuring the highest standards of academic excellence and expertise.

The principal, college administration and the staff extends a warm welcome to our esteemed new lecturers.

Each lecturer selected through the FPSC process brings a unique set of skills and knowledge, enriching our college’s academic environment. We are confident that they will contribute significantly to the academic growth and success of our students. Together, let’s look forward to a fruitful and inspiring academic journey ahead!

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