Admission policy will be applicable to all IMCB, Higher secondary schools and Islamabad model colleges (male / female) Functioning under the jurisdiction of federal directorate of education.

Basic Eligibility

The child / children of following categories will be illegible for admission against all seats Reserved for FATA / FANA (Domicile)

  • Federal government employees residing in Islamabad / Rawalpindi
  • Residents of Islamabad capital territory
  • Diplomats stationed at Islamabad

A candidate who has passed his last examination from an institution not located in Islamabad and federal area shall produce resident certificate from Estate Office /CDA or any other valid legal document in support of his claim.

Admission to Class 1st Year will be determined on merit as per allocation of seats given below.


Sr. No.QuotaPercentage
iOpen Merit90%
iiiDisabled Quota2%
vReal sons of Teachers / Employees of the educational institutions of the setup concerned2%
viTransfer Cases2%


Sr. No.QuotaPercentage
iPre Engineering60%
iiPre Medical60%
iiiGeneral Science60%
The scheme of studies and subject combinations prescribed by FBISE are listed below:

Intermediate Courses

The intermediate examination consists of 2 parts: Part-I includes six papers, five of which are of 100 marks each and of 3 hour duration while one paper (Islamic studies / Civics for non Muslims) is of 50 marks, and of two and a half hour duration. Part-II includes six papers, five of which are of 100 marks each and of 3 hour duration while one paper (Pakistan Studies) is of 50 marks and of two and a half hour duration.

Subject Combination

First Year: Compulsory subjects for all groups:
English Urdu Islamic Education
Second Year: Compulsory subjects for all groups:
English Urdu Islamic Education


The students will choose one of the following groups:


Physics Chemistry Biology


Physics Chemistry Mathematics


I-Com Part I:
i Principles of Accounting Principles of Commerce
ii Principles of Economics Business Mathematics

I-Com Part II:

Compulsory Subjects:
i Principles of Accounting Business Statistics Commercial Geography
Optional Subjects: (Students will choose one of the following subjects:)
ii Computer Studies Banking

Fee Structure of HSSC-I

DescriptionPre-MedPre-EngICSGen Sc.I-ComArts
(with 2 Practicals)
(with 1 Practical)
(Without Practicals)
Admission Fund800800800800800800800800
Student fund24002400240024002400240024002400
ID Card5050505050505050
College Magazine100100100100100100100100
Lab Charges720480168048004802400
Admission Fee200200200200200200200200
PTA Fund5050505050505050
Tuition Fee27002700270027002700270027002700
Internal Exam Fee200200200200200200200200
Library Security250250250250250250250250
Board Registration Fee15001500150015001500150015001500
Total Fee89708730993084908250873084908250
Break out of Fee for 1st Year

The academic year of the College starts in August every year. The students are required to pay their tuition fee and other dues according to the schedule notified by the College Administration.

Fee Concessions / Stipend

  1. At the commencement of the academic session, college will invite applications on a prescribed form.
  2. Half fee concession shall be granted to deserving students of the college on academic performance and attendance.
  3. If two or more brothers/sisters are studying in the colleges the younger one will be granted half fee concession on request.
  4. The college awards a number of stipends to deserving students out of Mutual Help Fund, established for this purpose. The
    amount for each stipend is fixed by the Principal according to the need of the applicant on the recommendation of the
  5. All concessions are for fixed period subject to the attendance, academic performance and conduct of the student.
  6. Fee concessions shall be withdrawn in case of misconduct, irregularity in attendance or poor academic performance.
  7. MORA scholarship/any other financial assistance would be subject to educational performance, required percentage of
    attendance and general conduct of the student.

Fee for Foreign Students

The fee will be determined by the Capital Administration & Development Division, Islamabad.

Please read the college rules carefully and follow them in letter and spirit. 

  1. According to Board/University’s regulations a student must attend at least 75% & 80% of the lectures, respectively delivered in each
    of his subject failing which his examination form will not be sent for the FBISE/University examinations. The same rule applies to
    science practicals.
  2. Students are required to get through all the subjects/papers in the send-up examinations held by the college failing which the
    examination forms are not sent for FBISE/ University examinations.
  3. Students’ failure to pay college dues in time results in the loss of admission and consequently loss of class attendance as long as their
    names remain struck off. Due care, therefore, should be taken to ensure that class attendance is not short on this score.
  4. Students missing attendance for any reason shall do so at their own risk and responsibility

The internal examinations including the Periodical Evaluations, Send-ups, Pre Board / University Exams for intermediate and degree
classes are compulsory.

  1. Student admission forms will not be sent to the FBISE/University for examination unless the student has cleared/passed the
    college internal evaluation/send-up examinations. All admissions to Quaid-i-Azam University/FBISE will be provisionally sent. In case
    of failing to fulfill the prescribed attendance or internal examinations, the admission will be withdrawn.
  2. No medical certificate will be entertained after the conduct of internal examinations.
  3. Students who are not promoted to higher classes will stand surrendered from the college roll.
  4. The students who fail in three subjects of HSSC-I stand no more on college roll.

All those students who have passed in three major subjects of 100 marks each in the recent announced result of first year by the FBISE, Islamabad may be allowed promotion to second year. The parents should ensure that their wards work hard and show satisfactory results in periodical tests and send-ups otherwise their admission will not be sent to the board.


a. The college council, comprising senior staff members, is the supreme body in all matters regarding maintenance of discipline and order in the college.
b. The council holds its session to ponder over any case of indiscipline/ misconduct in the college premises. It may fine, suspend, expel, rusticate, award Transfer Certificate under compulsion or cancel a student’s admission depending upon the nature of offence.


The college academic council determines and formulates the academic policy of the college. A senior member of the teaching staff supervises and coordinates the implementation of academic activities. The incharge of each academic department ensures an effective conduct of academic instruction programme of the department.
The following constitute the college academic council:
i). Principal

ii). Vice Principal

iii). Heads of the academic departments.

iv). Controller of Examination.

v). Incharge Sports Committee.

vi). Chief Proctor.


The Proctorial board comprising members of the teaching staff is responsible for ensuring discipline and order in the college. The rules framed by the Proctorial
Board are binding on every student. Students of good reputation from different classes are selected to act as Prefects. Prefects help the Proctorial Board in maintaining a smooth and academic environment in the college.


  1. On admission every student is provided a college identity card which is non-transferable. It carries a photo duely signed by the Principal and states particulars of the student. The student must keep the college identity card with them and must produce when required. Failure to do so is punishable.
  2. Duplicate identity card is not issued except under very special circumstances on payment of fine Rs. 100. Loss of the identity card must be reported to the Chief Proctor immediately.
  1. All students are required to attend the college in proper uniform as prescribed below.
    • SUMMERR: Cream colored shirt with college necktie, steel grey trouser and black shoes.
    • WINTER: Cream colored shirt with college necktie, steel grey trouser and black shoes. Navy blue blazer / pull-over jersey / sweater.
  2. Lab coats and goggles are compulsory for science students while performing practical in the labs.
  3. No student will be allowed to enter collage premises without proper college uniform.


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