1st Year

LUMS Math Circle holds a Session at IMCB F-10/4 on November 29, 2024

Inline with the vision of the Principal, Prof. Athar ul Islam, and in collaboration with STEAM Pakistan and the college management, LUMS Math Circle held its first ever session at IMCB F-10/4 on Friday, November 29, 2024. The esteemed guest speaker, Prof. Dr Naqeeb ur Rehman shared an interesting story of “Algebra: Classical to Modern” and inspired the students of HSSC to see algebra as immensely useful and practical tool and not just a bunch of formulas with meaningless drills. The students eagerly participated in the activities and expressed gratitude over the provision of such a great learning opportunity. More about LUMS Math Circles could be learnt from https://sbasse.lums.edu.pk/math-circles

Parent Teacher Meeting conducted at the start of the Academic Session 2024-2025

Islamabad (Report: Dr. Sher Ali) Parent Teacher Meetings have been organized at the start of the academic session 2024-25 for the general information of parents. The 1st meeting was conducted on 23rd August, 2024 for the combinations of Humanities, I.com and General Science.

The second meeting was organized on 26th August, 2024 for the combinations of Pre-Medical, Pre-Engineering and ICS.

Dr. Sher Ali, Chairman QEC, moderated the meetings. On both days, Prof. Muhammad Rashid, Vice Principal (Academics) presented a detailed, informative and comprehensive presentation about the college, faculty members, transport facility, college rules & regulations, different programs of intermediate level, undergraduate programs such as ADP/BS English and Urdu and short courses offered in the evening. He also guided the parents about discipline and importance of their children education and professional career.

Prof. Muhammad Ismail explained the college Time Table and schedule of monthly tests, SEND UP and Pre Board Exams.

At the end, Prof. Athar Ul Islam, Principal, thanked all respected parents and appreciated their interest in the PTM and studies of their children. He persuaded the parents to participate in all academic and administrative matters of the college such as College Management Committee, CMC. After presentation, the parents had detailed meetings with the concerned faculty members in the college staff room and discussed the academic matters of their children.

Admissions open for FA / FSc from July 15, 2024

Admissions in Grade XI are open for the session 2024-2025 from Monday, July 15, 2024 in the following programmes.

  1. ICS
  2. Pre-Engineering
  3. Pre-Medical
  4. I-Com
  5. General Science
  6. Humanities

The admission forms can be obtained from the college during the college hours from Monday, July 15, 2024. Alternatively, you may also download the form by clicking the Download button below.

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