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Federal Minister for Education, Madad Ali Sindhi Visits IMCB, F-10/4 Today

It’s heartening to know that the Federal Minister for Education, National Harmony, and Youth Affairs, Madad Ali Sindhi, is actively involved in improving the quality of education in ICT educational institutions. His surprise visit to IMCB F-10/4 on September 25, 2023, during college hours shows his commitment to understanding the conditions and needs of students and the institution.

During his visit to the college premises, he emphasized the importance of maintaining the college lawns and washrooms to a high standard in order to provide hygienic and safe environment. He personally inspected the water coolers to ensure that students have access to cool and clean drinking water.

By visiting classrooms, the minister gained firsthand knowledge of the challenges and issues that students may be facing in their learning environments.

It’s commendable that the minister took the time to visit the college and interact with both students and staff. Such visits provide valuable insights and demonstrate a commitment to addressing the needs of educational institutions and students. Improving the quality of education is essential for the development and progress of any nation.

The Federal Minister for Education sitting in the Classroom with the college students
A student informing the Federal Minister about the serious issue of college transport

A Lecture on “Misuse of Social Media” conducted on 22-09-23

Following the directions of the Federal Directorate of Education, a lecture on “Misuse of Social Media” was conducted in the Staff Room on Friday, September 22, 2023 by Prof. Dr. Sher Ali and Prof. Imran Khilji. Addressing to a group of teachers and students, the guest speaker, Prof. Dr. Fiaz Nadeem delivered a comprehensive lecture about digital safety and blasphemy laws. He highlighted the importance of the wise use of social media and showed the practical steps to avoid the threats posed by the social media platforms. The principal, Professor Athar ul Islam appreciated the Government’s efforts for such awareness campaigns and pledged to hold further sessions on this topic at classroom level to spread awareness among students at broader level.

A copy of the presentation is attached below for circulation among the students, teachers and parents.

اسلام آباد ماڈل کالج برائے طلباء ایف ٹین فور کا اعزاز

19ستمبر 2023 بروز منگل منسٹری آف انفارمیشن اینڈ براڈ کاسٹنگ کی سرپرستی میں محکمۂ اوقاف کے زیر اہتمام سالانہ مقابلۂ نعت منعقد ہوا جس میں اسلام آباد بھر سے 49 نعت خوانوں نے حصہ لیا۔
پرنسپل اطہر الاسلام صاحب کی ہدایت کے مطابق پروفیسر وسیم احمد قریشی کی رہنمائی میں اسلام آباد ماڈل کالج برائے طلباء ایف ٹین فور کے ICs سال اول کے طالب علم وجاہت حسین تبسم نے مقابلے میں حصہ لیا اور صوبائی سطح پر تیسری پوزیشن اپنے نام کر لی۔
پرنسپل کالج پروفیسر اطہر الاسلام صاحب اور وائس پرنسپل(اکیڈمکس) پروفیسر محمد راشد اور وائس پرنسپل (ایڈمن) پروفیسر افتخار احمد صاحب نے اس کامیابی پر اپنے ہونہار طالب علم وجاہت حسین کو مبارکباد دی اور انھیں نصیحت کی کہ وہ اپنی صلاحیتوں سے آئندہ بھی ادارے کا نام روشن کرتے رہیں۔
(رپورٹ: ڈاکٹر جابر حسین)

UNODC Pakistan organized echo training at IMCB F-10/4

In order to ratify and ensure the evidence‐based practices in the field of addiction
treatment in Pakistan, UNODC Pakistan organized this echo training for the treatment
professionals from 24 th to 29 th August 2023, in Model Collage for boy, Sector F-10/4 Islamabad
in collaboration with the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL),
U.S. Department of State.

The training was imparted on the following curriculum:
1. Universal Treatment Curriculum 09 Advance Level: Advanced Pharmacology and
Substance Use Disorders
2. Universal Treatment Curriculum 13 Advance Level: Contingency Management

The following Trainers facilitated and mentored the participants for these six days training:
Dr. Aisha Saddiqua
Prof. Nadeem Ghalib
Dr. Mahmood Ur Rehman

On closing, principle of the collage Prof. Athar UL Islam joined the participants as guest of
honour. He assured that his Institute is always open and welcome to the learning activities.

Time Table (2023-2024)

Please note the timetable for your class and keep on visiting this page for any future updates.

College Time Table for Session 2023-2024
PeriodsPeriod-IPeriod-IIPeriod-IIIPeriod-IVPeriod-VBreakPeriod-VIPeriod-VII (Prayer Break.15 Minutes)
Timings08:30 – 09:1509:15 – 10:0010:00 – 10:4510:45– 11:3011:30– 12:1512:35 – 01:2001:20– 02:30
XI-Pre-Eng OddChemistryPhysicsEnglishMathsUrduBreakPhys. Pr(M-Tu) Mr.Ansar VFMIsl. Ed-C(Wed-Thu)
Room.22Room.22Room.22Room.22Room.22Chem. Pr(W-Thu) Mr.MavjiRoom.22Mr.Iqbal VFM
Mr.MavjiMr.Ansar VFMMr.Tariq MehmoodMr.M.B.KhakiMr. VFM
XI-Pre-Eng EvenMathsChemistryEnglishPhysicsIsl. Ed-C(M-Tue)BreakUrdu(M-Tue)Phy. Pr(M-Tu) Mr.Abdul Jabbar
Room.23Room.23Room.23Room.23Mr.Iqbal VFM Urdu(W-Fri) Room.23Chem. Pr(Fri) Mr.Zubair
Mr.Hasnain VFMMr.Zubair ud DinMr.Abdul JabbarR.23 Mr.Irfan VFMMr.Irfan VFM
Chem. Pr(Fri) Mr.Zubair
XI-Pre-Med ABiologyEng(W-F) PhysicsChemistryUrduBreakBio Pr(W-Thu) Mr.Zulqarnain KhanPhys. Pr(W-Th) Mr.Abdul Jabbar
Room.21Mr.Tariq MehmoodRoom.21Room.21Room.21Engl(M-Tue) Room.21Chem. Pr(M-Tue) Mr.Mavji
Mr.Zulqarnain KhanIsl. Ed-C(M-Tue) Mr.Abdul JabbarMr.MavjiDr.Jabir HussainMr.Tariq Mehmood
Mr.Iftikhar Hussain
XI-Comp.Sc APhysicsComp.ScUrduMathsEnglishBreakPhyPr(M-Tu) Mr.Mushtaq Ahmed
Room.14Room.14Room.14Room.14Room.14Isl. Ed (Wed-Thu) Mr.Iqbal VFM Room.22
Mr.Mushtaq AhmedMr.Danish VFMDr.Muzaffar HussainMr.Hasnain VFMMr.Hamza VFMCom.ScPr(Mon-Tue) Mr.Danish VFM
XI-Comp.Sc BPhysicsUrdu(W-Fr) R.15MathsComp.ScEnglishBreakUrdu(Mon-Tue) Room15 Mr.Sajid IqbalPhy, Pr(Fri) Mr.Ansar VFM
Room 15Mr.Sajid IqbalRoom15Room15Room15Phy, Pr(Fri) Mr.Ansar VFMCom.ScPr(W-Thu) Mr.Danish VFM
Mr.Ansar VFMIsl. Ed-C(M--Tu)Mr.Haris LatifMr.Danish VFMMr.Muhammad Ali
R.15 Mr.Iqbal VFM
XI-Comp.Sc CComp.ScEnglishPhysicsIsl. Ed-C(M--Tu) Mr.Iqbal VFMMathsBreakUrdu(Mon-Tue) Room.12 Mr.VFM
Room.12Room.12Room.12Urdu(W-Fr) Room.12Room.12Phy, Pr(Wed-Thu) Mr.Mushtaq AhmedCom.Sc Pr
Mr.Danish VFMDr.Faisal Arif SukheraMr.Mushtaq AhmedMr.VFMMr.M.B.Khaki(Mon-Tue)
XI-Comp.Sc DStatisticsMathsComp.ScUrduEnglishBreakCom.ScPr(Mon-Tue) Mr.Danish VFMIsl.Ed(c) Mon-Tue
Room.10 Room.10Room10Room10Room10StatPr(Wed-Thu) Dr.Sajid Khan
Mr.Aqeel Ur RehmanMr.Wajid VFMMr.Danish VFMDr.Muzaffar HussainMr.Danish Ikhlas AbbasiMr.Aqeel Ur Rehman
XI-Gen.ScStatsMathsEnglishEconomics R.26UrduBreakPhys Pr.(M-Tue) Mr.Abdul Jabbar
Stats Dept.Room 26Room 26Mr.Sarfraz MalikRoom 26Stat Pr(Fri) Stats
Dr.Mazhar YaqoobMr.Hasnain VFMMr.Arif Ali BhuttoPhysics Room.23 Mr.Abdul JabbarMr.VFMDr.Mazhar Yaqoob
Isl. Ed-C(W-T)
R 26 Dr.Sajid Khan
XI-I.Com OddP.O.EconB.Maths(Mon-Wed)P.O.AccountUrduP.O.Com(Mon-Wed) Room24BreakEnglish
Room24Mr.Haris LatifRoom24Room24Mr.Noman AbbasRoom24
Dr.Gulzar KhanIsl. Ed-C(Th-F) Room24 Dr.IftikharMr.Noman AbbasMr.VFMMr.Danish Ikhlas Abbasi
XI-I.Com EvenEnglishP.O.EconP.O.AccountUrduP.O.ComBreakB.Maths(Mon-Wed) Room25
Mr.Hamza VFMMr.Sarfraz MalikMr.Saif ullah VFMMr.Irfan VFMMr.Saif ullah VFM
Isl. Ed-C(Th-F)
Room25 Mr.Iqbal VFM
XI-Arts-AEnglishUrduIsl.Std (Odd)Civics R. 05 Mr.Abdullah NawazEducationBreakIsl. Ed (W-T)Room 03 Mr.Iqbal VFMGeogPr(M=Tue) Mr.Tariq Mehmood
Room 03Room 03R. 01 Mr.Iqbal VFMEcon Room 01Room 01HPE Pr(Fri) Mr.Ahmed KhanHPE Pr(Fri)
Mr.Daood VFMMr.VFMIsl.Std (Ev) R.05Dr.Gulzar Khan Mr.Waseem Ahmed
Dr.Iftikhar Hussain
XI-Arts-BEnglishUrduPsychologyLib. Sc Room.03HPEBreakPsych Pr(Mon) Mr.Imran Ahmed
Room 05Room 05 Dept Mr.Imran AhmedMr.Ejaz Hussain RanaRoom 03
Dr.Muzaffar HussainMr.Ahmed Khan
XI-Arts-CUrduEnglishGeography Arabic(Geo Dept)HistoryBreakIsl. Ed-C(M-Tu ) Room 01 Mr.Iqbal VFMLib. Sc Pr(Wed) Mr.Ejaz Hussain
Room 01Room 01(Geo Dept) Mr.Atta ul MustafaRoom.5
Dr.Jabir HussainMr.Daood VFMMr.Tariq MehmoodMr.Aftab Hayyat
XII-Pre-Eng-OddMathsChemistryUrduEnglishPhysicsBreakChemPr(Mon-Tue) Mr.MavjiPhys. Pr(Mon-Tue) Mr.Abdul Jabbar
Room.28Room.28Room.28Room.28Room.28Pak.St(W-Th) Room.28
Mr.Haris LatifMr.MavjiMr.Irfan VFMMr.Muhammad AliMr.Abdul JabbarMr.Atiq ur Rehman
XII-Pre-Eng-EvenMathsUrduChemistryEnglishPhysics(+Gen.Sc)ChemPr(Mon-Tue) Mr.Zubair ud dinPhys. Pr(Mon-Tue) Mr.Ansar VFM
Mr.Wajid VFMMr.Muhammad BabarMr.Zubair ud dinMr.Ansar VFM
XII-Pre-MedPhysicsBiologyChemistryEngl(W-Fr) Mr.Rizwan AhmedUrdu BreakChemPr(Wed-Thu) Mr.Iftikhar AhmedEngl(M-Tue) Mr.Rizwan Ahmed Room.18
Room.18Room.18Room.18Pak.St(M-Tu) Room.18 Dr.Asif AyubRoom.18Bio Pr(M-Tu) Muhammad IsmailPhysPr(Wed-Thu) Mr.Raza Hussain
Mr.Raza HussainMuhammad IsmailMr.Iftikhar AhmedMr.Sajid Iqbal
XII-Comp.Sc-A Odd(Maths-Physics)UrduPhysics Maths(+Gen.Sc)Comp.ScEnglishBreakCom.ScPr(Wed-Thu) Mr.Tahir AzamPhys. Pr(W-Th) Mr.Raza Hussain
Room.13Room.13Room.13Room.13Room.13Pak.St(M-Tu) Room.13
Mr.VFMMr.Raza HussainMr.Wajid VFMMr.Tahir AzamMr.Rizwan AhmedMr.Atiq ur Rehman
XII-G/Comp.Sc-B Even (Maths-Physics)Comp.ScPhysics UrduEnglishMathsBreakPhys. Pr(W-Th) Mr.Mushtaq AhmedCom.ScPr(W-Thu) Mr.Tahir Azam
Room.30Room.30Room.30Room.30Room.30Pak.St(M-Tu) Room.30
Mr.Tahir AzamMr.Mushtaq AhmedMr.VFMMr.Arif Ali BhuttoMr.Hasnain VFMDr.Asif Ayub
XII-G/Comp.Sc-CUrduStatsCom.Sc EnglishMathsBreakCom.ScPr(W-Thu) Pak.St(Mon-Tue) Room. 07 Dr.Asif AyubStat Pr(Mon-Tue)
Room.07Room. 07Room. Room.07Room. 07Dr.Mazhar Yaqoob
Mr.Sajid IqbalDr.Mazhar YaqoobEconomicsMr.Daood VFMMr.Haris Latif
Room. 07
Mr.Sarfraz Malik
XII-I.Com OddEnglishP.O.AccountUrduP.O.Bank(M-W)11 Mr.Saif ullah VFMC.Geog(Mon-Tue) Mr.Imran Qayyum B.stats (Wed-Fri) R.11 Mr.Aqeel Ur RehmanBreakC.Geog(Thu-Fri) Mr.Imran Qayyum
Room.11Room.11 Room.11Pak.St(Th-F) 11 Dr.Asif AyubRoom.11
Mr.Muhammad AliMr.Noman AbbasDr.Jabir Hussain
XII-I.Com EvenP.O.AccountEnglishB.stats(Mon-Tue) R.16P.O.Bank(M-W) C.Geog(Wed-Fri) Mr.Imran QayyumBreakUrdu(Mon-Tue)
Room.16Room.16Mr.Aqeel Ur Rehman16 Mr.Noman AbbasRoom.16
Mr.Saif ullah VFMMr.Hamza VFMUrdu(Wed-Fri)Pak.St(Th-F)16 Mr.Atiq ur Rehman
XII-Arts-OddUrduEnglishArabic Room.3History R.8 Isl Std Room.2BreakGeogPr(M-Tu) Mr.Imran QayyumPak.St(Fri) Dr.Asif Ayub
Room.2Room.2Mr.Atta ul MustafaMr.Aftab HayyatDr.Sajid Khan KhakwaniPak.St(Fri) Room.2 Dr.Asif Ayub
Mr.Irfan VFMMr.Rizwan AhmedHPE Room.2 Geog (Geo Lab)HPE Pr(M-Tu) Mr.Ahmed Khan
Civics Room,6Mr.Ahmed KhanMr.Tariq Mehmood
Mr.Abdullah Nawaz
XII-Arts-EvenUrduEnglishLib. Sc Room.8Education Room,6 Psychology Dept Mr.Imran AhmedBreakPsych Pr(Mon-Tue) Mr.Imran AhmedLib. Sc Pr(Mon-Tue) Mr.Ejaz Hussain
Room,6Room,6Mr.Ejaz Hussain Rana Mr.Waseem AhmedPak.St(W-Th) R,6 Mr.Atiq ur Rehman
Mr.Muhammad BabarMr.Muhammad AliEcon Room.2
Dr.Gulzar Khan
PeriodsPeriod-IPeriod-IIPeriod-IIIPeriod-IVPeriod-VBreakPeriod-VIPeriod-VII (Prayer Break.15 Minutes)
Timings08:30 – 09:1509:15 – 10:0010:00 – 10:4510:45– 11:3011:30– 12:1512:35 – 01:2001:20– 02:30
ADP-I ArtsENG-101 English-I(Reading & Writing Skills)R. 19ELL-102 Introduction to Literary Studies Mr.Muhammad Rashid R. 19CS-100 Computer Skills Comp.Lab.1GEOG-321 Fundamentals of Geography G. Lab/ ISL-106 Introd. to Topics of Holy Quran(Bio Dept) Dr.IftikharURD-101 Urdu zuban; Tashkil o Irtiqa R. 19BreakURD-101 Urdu zuban; Tashkil o IrtiqaLibrary
(Mon-Tue)Mr.Arif Ali BhuttoHI-108 Introduction to History (Hist.Dept) Mr.Aftab HayyatR. 19
ADP-I ArtsENG-101 English-I(Reading & Writing Skills) R. 19ELL-102 Introduction to Literary Studies Mr.Muhammad Rashid R. 19CS-100 Computer Skills Comp.Lab.1GEOG-321 Fundamentals of Geography G.Lab/ ISL-106 Introd. to Topics of Holy Quran(Bio Dept) Dr.IftikharSPIR-110 Political History of the World Mr.Abdullah Nawaz R. 19BreakSPIR-110 Political History of the World
(Wed-Thu)Mr.Arif Ali BhuttoHI-108 Introduction to History (Hist.Dept) Mr.Abdullah Nawaz R. 19
Mr.Aftab Hayyat
ADP-I ScienceENG-101 English-I(Reading & Writing Skills) Mr.Arif Ali Bhutto R. 19CS-105 Problem Solving and Programming Lab.2 ST-101 Probability and Statistics (Stat Dept)ST-101 Probability and Statistics (Stat Dept)MA-101 Calculus and Analytical Geometry-I (Stat Dept)BreakLibrary
(Mon-Tue)ADEC-101 Principle of Microeco (Phys Dept)
ADP-I ScienceENG-101 English-ICS-105 Problem Solving and Programming Lab.2 ADEC-101 Principle of Microeco (Phys Dept)CS 101 Introduction to communication Technology Lab.2CS 101 Introduction to communication Technology Lab.2MA-101 Calculus and Analytical Geometry-IBreak
(Wed-Thu)(Reading & Writing Skills) Mr.Arif Ali Bhutto R. 19CS-101 Introduction to computing (Stat Dept)CS-100 Computer Skills(Stat Dept)(Stat Dept)
BS-Urdu-IENG-101 English-IPS-100 Pakistan Studies(Mon-Wed)Urdu-102 Basic MathematicsPY-301 Introduction to Psychology Psy.DeptURD-101 Urdu zuban; Tashkil o Irtiqa R. 19BreakURD-101 Urdu zuban; Tashkil o Irtiqa R. 19Library
(Mon-Tue)(Reading & Writing Skills) Mr.Arif Ali BhuttoDr.Asif Ayub(Stat Dept)(Physics Dept)Mr.Imran Khilji
R. 19
BS-Urdu-IENG-101 English-IUrdu-102 Basic MathematicsPY-301 Introduction to Psychology Psy.Dept Mr.Imran KhiljiEC-100 Fundamentals of Economics R.8BreakEC-100 Fundamentals of Economics R.8
(Wed-Thu)(Reading & Writing Skills) (Physics Dept)
Mr.Arif Ali Bh R. 19
BS-English-IEN-101 English-IEN-104 Introduction to Literary StudiesED-100 Fundamentals of Education R. 19EN-103 Introduction to Language Studies Mr.Danish Ikhlas Abbasi R. 19EN-100 Study Skills Mr.Saleem ur RasoolBreakEN-100 Study Skills Mr.Saleem ur Rasool R.8
(Mon-Tue)(Reading & Writing Skills) R. 19Mr.Muhammad Rashid R. 19R.8
Mr.Arif Ali Bhutto
PeriodsPeriod-IPeriod-IIPeriod-IIIPeriod-IVPeriod-VBreakPeriod-VIPeriod-VII (Prayer Break.15 Minutes)
Timings08:30 – 09:1509:15 – 10:0010:00 – 10:4510:45– 11:3011:30– 12:1512:35 – 01:2001:20– 02:30
BS- English-IEN-101 English-IEN-104 Introduction to Literary Studies Mr.Muhammad Rashid R. 19ED-100 Fundamentals of EducationEN-103 Introduction to Language Studies Mr.Danish Ikhlas Abbasi R. 19IS-100 Islamic Studies(Wed-Thu) Dr.Iftikhar R.8BreakLibrary
(Wed-Thu)(Reading & Writing Skills) R. 19R. 19
Mr.Arif Ali Bhutto
ADP-III ArtsENG-203 English-III (Communication and Presentation Skills)Room.17History of South Asia 600-1500Elective-I Room.17 Dr.Sher AliHistory and Compilation of Hadith Dr.Sajid KhanURD-201 Shaeri Asnaf:Taruf aur Tafheem-II Dr.Sher AliBreakURD-201 Shaeri Asnaf:Taruf aur Tafheem-II Dr.Sher AliLibrary
(Mon-Tue)Mr.Rizwan Ahmed(HI-135) (ISL-0404)Room.17Room.17Room.17
ADP-III ArtsENG-203 English-III (Communication and Presentation Skills)) Room.17 Mr.Rizwan AhmedHistory of South Asia 600-1500Elective-I Room.17 Dr.Sher AliHistory and Compilation of Hadith Dr.Sajid KhanElective-II Room.17BreakElective-II Room.17
(Wed-Thu)(HI-135) (ISL-0404)Room.17
BS-Urdu-VIIConference Room Dr.Sher Ali Conference Room Dr.Sher Ali ????? ?????? URD-411 Conference Room????? ?????? URD-411??? ????? ?? ?? ??? ????? URD-413 Urd DeptBreak??? ????? ?? ?? ??? ????? URD-413Library
(Mon-Tue)URD-401 ??????URD-401 ??????Conference RoomUrd Dept
BS-Urdu-VIIConference Room URD-402 ???? ????? ? ?????Conference Room URD-402 ???? ????? ? ??????????? ?????-URD-403 Urd Dept?????? ?????-URD-403 Urd DeptConference Room Dr.Jabir Hussain URD-412 ?????? ??????(????? ? ?????BreakConference Room Dr.Jabir Hussain URD-412 ?????? ??????(????? ? ?????
BS-English-VIIELL-403 Introduction to StylisticsRoom.20ELL-403 Introduction to StylisticsRoom.20ELL-405 Pakistani Literature in EnglishRoom.20ELL-405 Pakistani Literature in EnglishRoom.20ELL-401 Research Methods and Term Paper writingBreakELL-401 Research Methods and Term Paper writing
(Mon-Tue)Mr.Saleem ur RasoolMr.Saleem ur RasoolMr.Muhammad RashidMr.Muhammad RashidRoom.20Room.20
Dr.Faisal Arif SukheraDr.Faisal Arif Sukhera
BS- English-VIIELL-402 Introduction to Applied LinguisticsRoom.20ELL-402 Introduction to Applied LinguisticsRoom.20ELL-404 Literary Theory and PracticeRoom.20ELL-404 Literary Theory and PracticeRoom.20LibraryBreak
(Wed-Thu)Mr.Danish Ikhlas AbbasiMr.Danish Ikhlas AbbasiDr.Faisal Arif SukheraDr.Faisal Arif Sukhera

Admissions Open in BS / ADP (Session 2023-2024)

In affiliation with Quaid-e-Azam University, admission in the following BS and ADP Programmes for Fall Semester 2023 are open for the candidates who have passed HSSC (Part-II) from any Intermediate Board in Pakistan.

  • BS English (8 Semesters)
  • BS Urdu (8 Semesters)
  • ADP Arts (4 Semesters)
  • ADP Science (4 Semesters)


S #DetailsTimeline
1.Issuance and submission of Admission Forms, complete in all respectFrom 24st August up to 29th August, 2023.
2.Display of  1st Merit List31st August, 2023.
3.Payment of DuesUp to 05 September, 2023
4.Display of  2nd Merit List6th September, 2023.
5.Orientation8th September, 2023.
6.Commencement of Classes11th September, 2023.
  1. Only residents of Islamabad and sons/daughters of Federal Government employees residing in Islamabad/Rawalpindi are eligible for Admission in BS/AD Programme
  2. Eligibility criteria of the applicants shall be determined as per the approved policy by the Quaid e Azam University and on the basis of merit in respective college/disciplines.
  3. Federal Directorate of Education has the right to start/withdraw any advertised program subject to required number of admissions.

Orientation Ceremony for First Year Students (Session 2023-2024)

آج بتاریخ 16اگست 2023 کو اسلام آباد ماڈل کالج برائے طلباء ایف ٹین فور میں نئے تعلیمی سیشن 2023-2024 کے حوالے سے ایک بھرپور تقریب کا انعقاد کیا گیا۔ اس تقریب میں سال اول کے طلباء کا خیر مقدم کرتے ہوئے انھیں تعلیم،نظم وضبط،نصابی و ہم نصابی سرگرمیوں، ماہانہ ٹیسٹوں اور امتحانی نظام کے بارے میں تفصیلاً رہنمائی فراہم کی گئی۔
تقریب کا باقاعدہ آغازتلاوت کلام مجید سے کیا گیا۔ازاں بعد بارگاہِ رسالت میں ہدیہ نعت پیش کیا گیا۔
نئے تعلیمی سیشن کے آغاز کے حوالے سے پرنسپل کالج پروفیسر اطہر الاسلام صاحب نے اپنے استقبالیہ خطاب میں طلباء کو خوش آمدید کہتے ہوئے تعلیم کی اہمیت،حصولِ تعلیم کے مراحل اور کامیابی کے ضوابط پر مختصر مگر جامع انداز میں روشنی ڈالی۔ انھوں نے طلباء کی بھرپور حوصلہ افزائی کرتے ہوئے حصولِ تعلیم کے سلسلے میں اپنی پوری انتظامی ٹیم کی طرف سے پھرپور تعاون کی یقین دہانی کرائی اور طلباء پر زور دیا کہ وہ اپنے قیمتی اوقات کا ایک ایک لمحہ نظم و ضبط کے ساتھ حصولِ تعلیم میں صرف کریں۔
پروفیسر اسماعیل صاحب نے طلباء کو کالج کے نظام الاوقات،کلاسوں کے سیکشن، ماہانہ ٹیسٹوں اور امتحانی طریقۂ کار وغیرہ ملٹی میڈیا پر مفصل طور پر سمجھا دیا۔
پروفیسر وسیم احمد قریشی صاحب نے طلباء کو نصابی سرگرمیوں کی تفصیلات سے آگاہ کیا۔
پروفیسر عتیق الرحمن بٹ صاحب نے حصول تعلیم میں نظم و ضبط کی اہمیت ، کالج کے پراکٹوریل بورڈ اور نظم و ضبط کے حوالے سے طلباء کی ذمہ داریوں کے حوالے سے طلباء کی خوب رہنمائی کی۔
کالج میں نصابی سرگرمیوں کے ساتھ ساتھ ہم نصابی سرگرمیوں کی تفصیلات اور مواقع کے حوالے سے پروفیسر احمد خان اعوان صاحب نے مفصل گفتگو کی۔
اس تقریب کی نظامت کے فرائض پروفیسر ڈاکٹر شیر علی نے انجام دیے۔

Orientation Day (2023-2024)
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