A Lecture on “Misuse of Social Media” conducted on 22-09-23

Following the directions of the Federal Directorate of Education, a lecture on “Misuse of Social Media” was conducted in the Staff Room on Friday, September 22, 2023 by Prof. Dr. Sher Ali and Prof. Imran Khilji. Addressing to a group of teachers and students, the guest speaker, Prof. Dr. Fiaz Nadeem delivered a comprehensive lecture about digital safety and blasphemy laws. He highlighted the importance of the wise use of social media and showed the practical steps to avoid the threats posed by the social media platforms. The principal, Professor Athar ul Islam appreciated the Government’s efforts for such awareness campaigns and pledged to hold further sessions on this topic at classroom level to spread awareness among students at broader level.

A copy of the presentation is attached below for circulation among the students, teachers and parents.

A Lecture on “Misuse of Social Media” conducted on 22-09-23
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