Introduction to Psychology

Course Description

This course offers an introduction to the fundamental principles of psychology and to the major subjects of psychological inquiry. It has been designed to not only provide students with tools necessary for the study of psychology but also presents them with a sampling of the major areas of psychology research. The course begins with a short overview of how psychology developed as an academic discipline and an introduction to a number of the principle methodologies most commonly deployed in its study.

Course Objectives

  • To identify theoretical underpinnings of the major areas of psychology, including cognition (thought, memory, perception), learning, personality, social and environmental influences, development, and physiology of behavior.
  • To explain different models of human behavior based on science versus intuition or general ways of knowing.
  • To recognize ways of pursuing questions in Psychology via discussion of theory and empirical research.
  • To describe connections between knowledge gained in Psychology to everyday life.

Course Contents

1. Introduction to Psychology

  1. Nature and Application of Psychology with special reference to Pakistan.
    1. Historical Background and Schools of Psychology (A Brief Survey)

2. Methods of Psychology

  1. Observation
  2. Case History Method
  3. Experimental Method
  4. Survey Method
  5. Interviewing Techniques

3. Biological Basis of Behavior

  1. Neuron: Structure and Functions
  2. Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System
  3. Endocrine Glands

4. Sensation, Perception and Attention


Characteristics and Major Functions of Different Sensations

(i) Vision: Structure and functions of the Eye.

(ii) Audition: Structure and functions of the Ear.


(i) Nature of Perception

(ii) Factors of Perception: Subjective, Objective and Social

(iii) Kinds of Perception:

Spatial Perception (Perception of Depth and Distance)

Temporal Perception; Auditory PerceptionAttention

(i) Factors, Subjective and Objective

(ii) Span of Attention

(iii) Fluctuation of Attention

(iv) Distraction of Attention (Causes and Control)

Recommended Books

  1. Atkinson R. C., & Smith E. E. (2000). Introduction to psychology (13th ed.).Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
  2. Fernald, L. D., & Fernald, P. S. (2005). Introduction to psychology. USA:WMC Brown Publishers. 16
  3. Glassman, W. E. (2000). Approaches to psychology. Open University Press.
  4. Hayes, N. (2000). Foundation of psychology (3rd ed.). Thomson Learning.
  5. Lahey, B. B. (2004). Psychology: An introduction (8th ed.). McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
  6. Leahey, T. H. (1992). A history of psychology: Main currents in psychological thought. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall International, Inc.
  7. Myers, D. G. (1992). Psychology. (3rd ed.). New York: Wadsworth Publishers.
  8. Ormord, J. E. (1995). Educational psychology: Developing learners. Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Introduction to Psychology
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