Study Skills

Course Description

The main purpose of this course is to guide students in their first year of learning and impart basic study skills. It is designed with the view to enable them to take immediate control of their learning. The course will enable students to devise and follow “study systems” and equip them with the ability to think critically and adopt effective learning strategies. With the help of various study techniques and styles and other available resources, the students will be able to improve their academic performance.

Course Objectives

  • To help students learn basic self-management and study skills
  • To enable them to use combination of skills to minimize risks of failure
  • To make them become confident and successful in the new learning environment

Course Contents

  1. Seeking Success in University
  2. Knowing your campus and its resources
  3. Form An Academic Support Group
  4. Know Where to Find  Help
  5. Stay Informed
  6. Get Involved
  7. Motivating Yourself to Learn
  8. Assess Academic Strengths and Weaknesses
  9. Discover and use your learning style
  10. Develop Critical Thinking & Study Skills
  11. Adapt learning style to teaching method
  12. Using Critical Thinking Strategies
  13. Examine Your Assumption
  14. Make Predictions
  15. Read With A Purpose
  16. Sharpen Your Interpretations
  17. Find Implications in What You Learn
  18. Read and Understand Graphics
  19. Evaluate what you learn
  20. Setting Goals and Solving Problems
  21. Set goals for success in college
  22. How to develop a positive attitude
  23. Sharpening Your Classroom Skills
  24. Prepare for Class
  25. Become an Active Listener
  26. Develop A Personal Note-Taking System
  27. Guidelines for Note Taking
  28. The Informal Outline/Key Words System
  29. The Cornell Method
  30. Matching Note-Taking Style and Learning Style
  31. Learn To Make Effective Presentations
  32. Making the Most of Your Time
  33. How to GRAB Some Time
  34. Scheduling Your Time
  35. Time Management and Learning Style
  36. Procrastination
  37. Creating Your Study System
  38. SQ3R:  The Basic System
  39. Devising Your Study System
  40. Organizing Information for Study
  41. Memorization
  42. Concept or Information Maps
  43. Comparison Charts
  44. Time Lines
  45. Process Diagrams
  46. Informal Outlines
  47. Branching Diagrams
  48. Controlling Your Concentration
  49. Concentrations
  50. Eliminate Distractions
  51. Use A Study System
  52. Strategies to Improve Concentration
  53. Preparing for Tests
  54. How To Prepare for Tests: Three Steps
  55. Develop a Test-taking Routine
  56. Master Objective Tests
  57. Know How  to Answer Essay Questions
  58. Becoming an Active Reader
  59. Reading Actively
  60. Find the Main Idea, Details, and Implications
  61. Using a Textbook Marking System
  62. How to use a dictionary
  63. Building Career Skills
  64. Working in the New Economy  
  65. Where the Jobs will be
  66. Choosing Your Future
  67. Your course of Study
  68. Your Plan
  69. What Employers Want
  70. Career Skills to Develop
  71. Workplace Ethics
  72. From University to Work
  73. Your Resume and Cover Letter
  74. The Interview

Recommended Readings

  • Bain, Ken. (2012). What the best college students do.
  • Kanar, Carol C. (2001). The Confident Student. Houghton Mifflin Co.
  • Mcmillan, Kathleen. (2011). The Study skills book. Pearson.
  • Pauk, Walter. How to Study in College.
  • Wallace, M.J. (1980). Study Skills in English.
Study Skills
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