Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to introduce the students with the fundamentals of the subject of Political Science and prepare them for advanced studies in the forth coming semesters. The very concepts and terminology commonly used in the further courses of studies are taught to make the students friendly with the subject.
Course Contents
- Definition, Nature, Scope and Sub-fields of Political Science.
- Relationship of Political Science with other social sciences.
- Approaches to the study of Political Science: Traditional and behavioural approach.
- State: its origin and evolution; Western and Islamic concepts of state.
- Nation and Sovereignty.
- Basic concepts of Political Science: Power, Authority, Legitimacy.
- Organs of Government: Legislature, Executive, Judiciary.
Note: Sub-fields of Political Science include: Political Philosophy/Theory; Comparative Politics; IntenationalRelations; Public Administration/Public Policy; Local Government, etc.
Suggested Readings
- Haq, Mazhar ul. Theory and Practice in Political Science, Lahore Bookland , 1996.
- Mackenzi, Ian (Ed.). Political Concepts: A Reader and Guide. Edinburgh, University Press, 2005.
- Sarwar, Muhammad. Introduction to Political Science. Lahore Ilmi Kutub Khana, 1996.
Introduction to Political Science